BCBS Prescription Drug Data Collection

Calling all BCBS Group Clients! BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois recently sent an email to notify clients about its mandatory prescription drug data collection. If you didn’t receive the email, we’ve summarized the instructions on how to submit your group’s data below. The deadline for data submission is April 13, 2023.

Need us to do it for you? We’re here to help! Contact us with your questions before the deadline.

You might be wondering, “Why is BCBS asking for my data? What are they going to do with it?” Here’s what you need to know about the Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC):

  • Why BCBS Needs Your Data: Every year, the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) require insurance carriers with group and individual health insurance plans to send them information about prescription drugs, premium costs, and healthcare spending. From there, the CMS shares this information with the Department of Labor and the Department of Treasury. And why is this happening? You guessed it—it’s the law!

  • What CMS Does With Your Data: Once CMS has collected data from U.S.-based insurance carriers, the Department of Labor and the Department of Treasury analyzes the data to identify prescription drug pricing trends and determine the usefulness of prescription drug rebates on patients’ out-of-pocket costs.

  • Who Needs To Submit Data: Fully-insured employer plans with BCBS during 2022.

Questions for BCBS? Contact the CMS Help Desk at 1-855-267-1515 or email them at CMS_FEPS@cms.hhs.gov. Include “RxDC” in the body of the email for faster service.

If you’re still scratching your head about the Prescription Drug Data Collection and need help accessing your group’s data, The Insurance People are happy to help! Contact us with any questions. We’re here to help make this easy for you!


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